
Session 121: VeZocher Chasdei Avos - Part III - What is Chessed?

"What אהבה is in feelings, חסד is in deeds — love translated into action." —Rav S.R. Hirsch, Commentary on Bereshis 24:27. 

“חסד is both the highest degree of doing good which human beings can accomplish, and the highest expression for the love that God shows to human beings." — Rav S.R. Hirsch, Commentary on Shemos 34:7

Session 89: How to See the Real World - וראיתם אותו - Part II

"Hashem is as a sun and a shield." (Tehillim 84)

"The world is filled with His glory." (Yeshaya 6:3)

An advanced-level shiur on relating to Hashem through the lens of the physical world. "Everything which the Holy One, Blessed be He, created in His world, He created for His Kavod" (Avos 6:12).

 .כל מה שברא הקדוש ברוך הוא בעולמו, לא בראו אלא לכבודו
.שנאמר: כל הנקרא בשמי ולכבודי בראתיו יצרתיו אף עשיתיו. ואומר: ה' ימלך לעלם ועד