
Session 89: How to See the Real World - וראיתם אותו - Part II

"Hashem is as a sun and a shield." (Tehillim 84)

"The world is filled with His glory." (Yeshaya 6:3)

An advanced-level shiur on relating to Hashem through the lens of the physical world. "Everything which the Holy One, Blessed be He, created in His world, He created for His Kavod" (Avos 6:12).

 .כל מה שברא הקדוש ברוך הוא בעולמו, לא בראו אלא לכבודו
.שנאמר: כל הנקרא בשמי ולכבודי בראתיו יצרתיו אף עשיתיו. ואומר: ה' ימלך לעלם ועד

Session 88: Change the World! The Importance of Seeing - וראיתם אותו - Part I

p.s.: Bonus Track! Learning from Ruth how to become a vehicle and a channel for holiness and blessing to the world. Yes, you can.

What is Tikkun Olam? Hint: It's not what they've been telling you.

"To change the messages which the world sends us is to change the world itself." (R' Reuvein Leuchter, Teshuva)

Session 82: Choosing Light from Within the Darkness

The third paragraph of Shema carries the secret to eternal life. It's the secret of Yetzias Mitzrayim, the secret of the final Geula. It's the secret of Choosing and Using — choosing to harness our deepest desires for closeness to G-d by using actions of holiness.

"Save yourself the battle." And may your choice of Freedom In The Night merit you to savor the Freedom In The Day.


Session 78: Introduction to Third Parsha of Shema (Parshas Tzitzis)

You've been there, done that, paid the price, pulled yourself together again. And you want to make sure you never, never go there again.

How can use your God-given intellect and free will to ensure you make the right choices?

Make your choices when you're thinking straight, when you're not under the influence of passions beyond your control. And tie the fire of your emotions to something tangible, to remind you of your choices, and keep you going through the harder times.