
Session 89: How to See the Real World - וראיתם אותו - Part II

"Hashem is as a sun and a shield." (Tehillim 84)

"The world is filled with His glory." (Yeshaya 6:3)

An advanced-level shiur on relating to Hashem through the lens of the physical world. "Everything which the Holy One, Blessed be He, created in His world, He created for His Kavod" (Avos 6:12).

 .כל מה שברא הקדוש ברוך הוא בעולמו, לא בראו אלא לכבודו
.שנאמר: כל הנקרא בשמי ולכבודי בראתיו יצרתיו אף עשיתיו. ואומר: ה' ימלך לעלם ועד

Session 88: Change the World! The Importance of Seeing - וראיתם אותו - Part I

p.s.: Bonus Track! Learning from Ruth how to become a vehicle and a channel for holiness and blessing to the world. Yes, you can.

What is Tikkun Olam? Hint: It's not what they've been telling you.

"To change the messages which the world sends us is to change the world itself." (R' Reuvein Leuchter, Teshuva)

Session 42: Shema! Hear!

Hear ye, hear ye! We discuss the verse of "Shema Yisrael"; the importance of every precise word we say as testimony to our personal knowledge of God; halachos and minhagim that increase our focus; and the secret bond that ties together the "Naaseh VeNishma" (“We will do and we will hear!”) of Mount Sinai with "Shema Yisrael". שמע ישראל


Note: This shiur has two audio files; the second one is a short postscript.

Session 41: Keil Melech Ne'eman and Amein [Shema] - קל מלך נאמן - אמן

"Keil Melech Ne'eman" — also known as "Amein" — is the three word power formula that encapsulates and delivers our faith and trust in God's revelation of Himself to the world through Creation, the Giving of the Torah, and the ultimate Redemption. "The gates of Gan Eden are opened to whomever answers 'Amein' with all his might."

"כל העונה אמן בכל כחו פותחין לו שערי גן עדן."

"א-ל מלך נאמן"