
145: Atta Chonen V: Chochma as the Basis of all Good

The 13 blessings that comprise the core of the Shemone Esrei may be thought of as two columns or iterations of six, unified ultimately by the thirteenth bracha of Shema Koleinu. Abu-Darham shows us how the text of the prayer leads us through a process of expanding our awareness of our needs to include other individuals, and even the community and nation as a whole — an expanding sense of self, helping us toward the aim of fully being dedicated to the service and will of God, i.e., where His will (the ultimately expanded sense of self) is what we feel as our own will.

This leads us towards all that is Tov, good —  becoming fully expressed in our potential, in our creation as human beings.

136: Tisha B'Av and Kedusha - אתה קדוש

What is there to look forward to on Tisha B’Av? Do you even know what you're missing? 

Here’s a whole new look (literally!) into the mysteries of the Kodesh HaKodashim, the Holy of Holies… and what that has to do with YOU and YOUR LIFE.

The pain of Tisha B’Av is the pain of losing sight of God’s love for us; the pain of rejection. On Tisha B’Av, our pain can lay the foundation for growing towards Hashem, for committing to becoming something greater. 

Growing in Kedusha is “work that is done quietly, silently, known to no one but oneself and God, on one’s own inner self.”


134: The Triad of Man, Earth & Rain

Discover the deeper drive motivating construction of the Tower of Babel, where the invention of fired bricks seems to be "a technology in search of a solution” (as they say in the venture capital biz).

What is more pleasing? Things in their natural state, or things that have been worked on by Man?
In the process of developing the raw materials of the world, we develop ourselves, too. Thinking humans have a tremendous ability to act upon the world and upon our selves.

Rain reminds us that for all our hard work (or rather, “sweat equity”), there is always an element we cannot control…  We start to understand why rain is so key a theme in tuning in to God’s absolute power.

131: “Mechalkel Chaim BeChessed: Why Praise Comes First — Shevach and Bakasha

Changing reality by aligning our will with Hashem’s. 

"One should open with praise of Hashem before asking for his needs" (Brachos 32).

“In truth, Sefer Tehillim has more zemiros than tefillah. The difference is as follows: when it comes to tefillah one must try to daven at an eis ratzon [an opportune time], whereas Tehillim has the power to create an eis ratzon.” 

— Rav Yitzchak Hutner, Pachad Yitzchak al SuccosMaamar 70