
Horeb #11: Tzedaka and Gemilus Chasadim Part 4: Conclusion Ch. 88

“Not the thousands which you have amassed, or wasted for the sake of sensual pleasures and earthly ambitions, but the penny with which you have fed the hungry, clothed the naked and succored the unfortunate in their need, that penny will support you in the Hereafter before God’s Throne… 

"These are the riches you should strive for: to enrich your mind with experience, your heart with love, your tongue with eloquence, and with strength your arm, so as to enable you to become a support and an inspiration and a comfort, a father and a helper in sickness, distress and danger, in despair and confusion.”

— Rav SR Hirsch, Horeb, Ch. 88 “Tzedakah and Gemiluth Chasadim, Alms and Charity”


Horeb #11: Tzedaka and Gemilus Chasadim Part 4: Conclusion Ch. 88

Horeb #8: Tzedaka and Gemilus Chasadim Part 3: “Living to Give”

“…to say ‘may God be Blessed through me” means that one’s work is no longer his own doing; at the same time, one is not trying to gain his own ends. His status may be ever so humble, his beginnings may well be ridiculed by others, but he has been assigned to his post by God, the Master of heaven and earth, the King of the universe. God knows a man’s strength, God’s spirit animates him and He has placed him within the particular context of his occupation so that he may perform His will there and then. Man is His worker, and consequently, he has God at his side always."

Horeb #6: Tzedaka and Gemilus Chasadim Part 1, Ch. 88

“Thou shalt open thy hand unto thy brother, to thy needy.’ With these words, God calls you to your loveliest, most God-like task, calls upon you to become a blessing with all He gives you, a blessing to those around you. … Everything sustains and is sustained, everything takes and gives and receives a thousandfold in giving — for it receives life instead of mere existence."

והיה ברכה Source Sheet
Hirsch Haggada
Horeb Ch. 88 Tzedaka and Gemilus Chasadim