
Horeb #11: Tzedaka and Gemilus Chasadim Part 4: Conclusion Ch. 88

“Not the thousands which you have amassed, or wasted for the sake of sensual pleasures and earthly ambitions, but the penny with which you have fed the hungry, clothed the naked and succored the unfortunate in their need, that penny will support you in the Hereafter before God’s Throne… 

"These are the riches you should strive for: to enrich your mind with experience, your heart with love, your tongue with eloquence, and with strength your arm, so as to enable you to become a support and an inspiration and a comfort, a father and a helper in sickness, distress and danger, in despair and confusion.”

— Rav SR Hirsch, Horeb, Ch. 88 “Tzedakah and Gemiluth Chasadim, Alms and Charity”


Horeb #11: Tzedaka and Gemilus Chasadim Part 4: Conclusion Ch. 88