Shmone Esrei

128: Gevuros: Aspiring to Yiras Shamayim Part 1

"In גבורות we contemplate the all-conquering omnipotence of God. Here, too, we learn that unshakable trust which enables us to withstand all the vicissitudes of life and even death itself, and which enables all those pervaded with the genuine fear of God to unlearn the fear of human power or natural force, and in its place to acquire the skill of passing calmly and serenely through all the trials that are part of daily living.” — Hirsch Siddur

Session 121: VeZocher Chasdei Avos - Part III - What is Chessed?

"What אהבה is in feelings, חסד is in deeds — love translated into action." —Rav S.R. Hirsch, Commentary on Bereshis 24:27. 

“חסד is both the highest degree of doing good which human beings can accomplish, and the highest expression for the love that God shows to human beings." — Rav S.R. Hirsch, Commentary on Shemos 34:7