98: Introduction to Shema I: the Imperative of Shema

Harnessing the power of emotion with will and determination to break through the barrier to the supernatural.

Sara Kaufman, who attended this shiur, adds a valuable and moving insight: realizing the lengths to which Hashem goes to hold tight to Menashe and to bring him back to wholeness with Him, evokes a deep feeling of the awesome bond Hashem has made with each of us, in the gift of being part of the Jewish people. 

A promise of never being abandoned or written off, no matter how far we go astray; a covenant to always hear us and keep a door open for us to come back when our Teshuva is real; a vow to watch each of us personally, whatever it takes. 

״הקב״ה נוהג עמהם במדת ישרות בעוה״ז, ונותן להם שכרם משלם לעוה״ב. אמר הקב״ה בני הפכפכים הם סרבנים הם טרחנים הם. לכלותם אי אפשר, להחליפם אי אפשר, להחזירם למצרים אי אפשר. ומה אעשה להם? אייסרם ביסורין וקונסן ברעבון …״ 

 מדרש רות, פתיחתא 3ת

Menashe and the Imperative of "Shema!" | Source Sheet