71: High-Level Overview • Intro to Pesukei DeZimra I

"משכנותיך. ... God's Sanctuary, as a rule, is described in the Psalms in accordance with its several chambers, דביר, היכל, and עזרה; ... These "abodes" with all that they symbolize, teach, give and stimulate, are the friends and advancers of all our spiritual and moral lives. ..."

"The Sanctuary of the Law is not called משכן here, but משכנות, which is a plural form, and quite properly so. For, as we have repeatedly noted, the Sanctuary encompassed three chambers... All three of these chambers are משכנות ה׳; they are abodes honored by the presence of the Lord. He is near not only to the ideal of the perfect fulfillment of the tasks set by Him. He is present also there where we are still engaged in the upward struggle from the bondage of sensuality to the freedom of self-discipline and of self-sacrificing devotion to the fulfillment of His will.”

— Hirsch on Tehillim 84:2 and 132:5

67: Ruling Yitzros with Ratzon Hashem and Asher Yatzar - יצר הרע ויצר הטוב משעבדים לרצון השם

Serving Hashem with our Yetzer Tov and Yetzer Hara: What does Hashem want from me in this moment? What is my role here?

"Value your life not according to possessions and enjoyment, but according to good deeds; and again value your actions only according to the relation to that means which you possess and acquire. It is not how much or how little you have that makes you great or small, but how much or how little you are with what you have, how much or how little you utilize what has been lent to you for action in the service of God – that is it which makes you great or small." 

– Rav S.R. Hirsch, Horeb, pg. 46 par. 105. 

Post Shiur Discussions:

P.S 1: “Stop and Think”: Implementing God’s Will in the moment of choice.

P.S. 2: A New Angle on the bracha of Asher Yatzar.